How to Send an Email Using Website

Send an email through website using code which is the much needy things in today’s website. Everybody needs to add this functionality like reset password , chat box, etc. SOURCE CODE CHECKOUT PAGE [DESIGN PAGE] SOURCE VIDEO

How to send SMS through Website

Send mobile SMS using website :- I am using ASP.Net C#.It helps a lot for those who develops a web application like E-commerce, etc. SOURCE CODE SOURCE VIDEO

How to Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in Website

Integrating Payment Gateway in website is a typical stuff and may cause some serious issue if not done in secure manner. When i was doing this , I have no idea and also there is no one to help me out. So, I decided that this thing will not happen to you. SOURCE CODE CHECKOUT […]

How to Integrate PayTm Payment Gateway in Website

Integrating Payment Gateway in website is a typical stuff and may cause some serious issue if not done in secure manner. When i was doing this , I have no idea and also there is no one to help me out. So, I decided that this thing will not happen to you. SOURCE CODE CHECKOUT […]

How to Integrate Instamojo Payment Gateway in Website

Integrating Payment Gateway in website is a typical stuff and may cause some serious issue if not done in secure manner. When i was doing this , I have no idea and also there is no one to help me out. So, I decided that this thing will not happen to you. SOURCE CODE CHECKOUT […]

How To Integrate Cashfree Payment Gateway

Integrating Payment Gateway in website is a typical stuff and may cause some serious issue if not done in secure manner. When i was doing this , I have no idea and also there is no one to help me out. So, I decided that this thing will not happen to you. SOURCE CODE CHECKOUT […]

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